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Newsletter #1

TEACHmi - Teacher preparation for migrant school inclusion is an Erasmus+ Key Action 3 and aims to provide effective tools, teaching materials and guidelines to teachers of multicultural classes as well as school leaders in order to facilitate the integration of students with migrant backgrounds in schools.

This newsletter is published to present the objectives of the project and the workings that were implemented until March 2021. TEACHmi Partnership held the official Kick Off meeting on March 13, 2020. Due to the global pandemic Covid-19, the partners of the project organized the meeting virtually because of the restriction measures that took place in all EU countries. During the Kick Off meeting the partners presented their organizations and the WPs that they lead in the life cycle of TEACHmi Project discussing effective ways to deliver the activities and shared their opinions and reflections about the situation with Covid-19 in their countries.

The partnership during this period had frequent meetings of the Steering Committee in order to ensure that the project activities follow the timeline of the project. On October 2020 and according to the timeline of the project the official website of the project was created by the Coordinator and the 2nd Transnational Meeting was held virtually where partners discussed about the ongoing procedures of Work Packages (WPs) and the activities of the project. Each partner presented the activities already done for WPs and the next steps in the following months for the effective implementation of the workings of the project.

Info Days

The partners organised Info Days of the project in all partner countries with the participation of interested stakeholders. Some of the partners managed to organize a physical Info Day and most of them virtually.

Work Packages

  • Project Management & Coordination

  • Toolbox of Teaching Languages of Schooling for Students with Migrant Background & Integration Practices

  • E-Learning and Networking Platform

  • Curriculum and material elaboration for induction classes

  • Guide for assessment for newly arrived students from migrant backgrounds

  • Evaluation

  • Dissemination and Exploitation

Expected results

  • Strengthening the profile of the teaching professions Including teachers, school leaders and teacher educators

  • Enhancing teachers’ professional development

  • Supporting teachers in dealing with diversity in the classroom especially students with a migrant background

  • Supporting teachers in adopting collaborative and innovative practices

The partners have already started the organization of pilot workshops for teachers under WP2 ‘’Toolbox of Teaching Languages of Schooling for Students with Migrant Background & Integration Practices’’ which has been developed by CESIE. All Piloting workshops will be delivered through both theoretical and interactive activities in order to bring change in the behaviour of targeted beneficiaries and key stakeholders.

The materials of Toolbox have been already uploaded in the E-Learning and Networking Platform for further use of the project’s target group.

The E-Learning and Networking Platform is already available and functional on-line, providing the opportunity to the target group and the general public to receive all the information necessary for acquiring new skills of the project’s subject.

The upcoming months, the partners will focus on the development of the Curriculum and material elaboration for induction classes and the Guide for assessment for newly arrived students from migrant backgrounds. When the situation with Covid-19 and the countries will lift the restrictions measures, the partners will organize study visits in the respective country.

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